3d Printed Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Dock (holds 4)

Waiting for news on Star Tycoon? Patience my child!...but first, can I gripe about something?

Why the heck hasn't a third-party company come up with this yet? I mean, I've got money burning a hole in my pocket here!

Looks like it's DIY time 😎. I've cobbled together a dock for the Switch Pro controller. It holds four and charges them with those funky cheap USB-C chargers you can find online.

Just slap your controllers face down into the dock. The magnetic charger will do its thing and connect with the port on the Switch Pro controller. Magnets, how do they work?

You're going to need some charging cables, though. I used these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003913039599.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.49.231d1802kukv1S.

I’m sure there’s others that may work too.

There's also little covers that print along with the dock. They go underneath, hiding the charging cables. They clip in, so no glue required.

If you want to download the 3D file, you can find it on my Thingiverse page.

So there you have it. A problem solved, even though someone else should've solved it already. Now, back to Star Tycoon...


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